Triple Roller Mill (STRM)

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Triple Roller Mill – STRM is used in the preparation of ointments, salves, dough and similar products. The hourly production is from 2 Kgs. To 12 kgs. depending upon the constituency of the material. Three hard stainless still rollers, which is 110 mm long, and 50 mm diameter produce the Rolling action.

Two outer rollers are spring supported to eliminate the possibility of damage to the rollers or to the operating mechanism. The space between the rollers is adjustable by turning one thumbscrew.

This Attachment is Suitable to Attach in our Both Main Drive.


Triple Roller Mill – STRM digunakan dalam pembuatan salep, salep, adonan dan produk serupa. Produksi per jam mulai dari 2 Kg. Menjadi 12 kg. tergantung pada konstituen bahan tersebut. Tiga rol baja tahan karat keras, yang panjangnya 110 mm, dan diameter 50 mm menghasilkan aksi Penggulungan.

Dua rol luar didukung pegas untuk menghilangkan kemungkinan kerusakan pada rol atau mekanisme pengoperasian. Jarak antar rol dapat disesuaikan dengan memutar satu sekrup.

Attachment Ini Cocok Dipasang di Kedua Drive Utama Kita.

Working Capacity2 to 12 Kgs.
Net Weight12 Kgs.
Gross Weight20 Kgs.
Dimensions11.5' x 10" x 6" inch.
Packing13" x 12" x 8" inch.