Planetary Mixer – Heating Jacketed (SPM + HJ)

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This mixer is designed to be used as a mixing for pastes, ointments & creams in water jacketed kettle. It can also be used for wet powders. This mixer is provided with a mixing paddle and Teflon scrapper, which is shaped in such manner so that there is minimum clearance with the mixing kettle. Temperatures of kettle can be adjusted by the help of thermostat knob. The kettle is also easily removable.


Mixer ini dirancang untuk digunakan sebagai pencampur pasta, salep & krim dalam ketel berjaket air. Bisa juga digunakan untuk bedak basah. Mixer ini dilengkapi dengan mixing paddle dan teflon scrapper yang dibentuk sedemikian rupa sehingga terdapat jarak minimal dengan ketel pencampur. Suhu ketel dapat diatur dengan bantuan kenop termostat. Ketelnya juga mudah dilepas.

Gross Capacity (0.6 BD)5 Kg.
Working Capacity (0.6 BD)3 Kg.
Heating Capacity80 Degree Temp.
Electric Supply230 V Single Phase
Dimensions15" x 12" x 17" Inch
Net Weight25 Kgs.
Gross Weight42.5 Kgs.
Packing16" x 16" x 19" Inch