Lab Mass Mixer (SLMM)

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The Lab Mass Mixer having horizontal half round bowl open on the upper side with acrylic cover and specially designed mixing blade. The Main Mixing Blade is rotated to circulate the material to be mixed. The half-round bowl and mixing blade made out of stainless steel having a bowl capacity of 5 kg. And operational capacity of 3.5 kg. [approx]. Within a few minutes, it can be empty by tilting

The power mixer is suitable for our all Main Drive.


Lab Mass Mixer memiliki mangkuk setengah bundar horizontal yang terbuka di sisi atas dengan penutup akrilik dan pisau pencampur yang dirancang khusus. Bilah Pencampur Utama diputar untuk mengedarkan bahan yang akan dicampur. Mangkok setengah bulat dan pisau pengaduk berbahan stainless steel berkapasitas mangkok 5 kg. Dan kapasitas operasional 3,5 kg. [kira-kira]. Dalam beberapa menit, dapat dikosongkan dengan cara dimiringkan

Power mixer cocok untuk semua Drive Utama kami.

Gross Capacity5 Kgs.
Working Capacity3 to 4 Kgs.
Net Weight20 Kgs.
Gross Weight40 Kgs.
Dimensions22.5' x 13" x 21" Inch
Packing25" x 16" x 23" Inch