Homogenizer With Heating Elements (SHO – HE)

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The Homogenizer With Heating Elements is used for the preparation of water in oil & oil in water emulsions. This unit consists of a piston pump system. A piston pump produces homogenization. Materials can be charge to pump from a hopper. By the forward & backward movement of the piston Homogenization takes place. A vacuum is created during the backstroke of the piston, which sucks the liquid back. During the forward movement of the piston, the liquid is pushed against the tip of the nozzle fitted at the opening of the cylinder. All parts coming in to contact with the product are made of stainless steel. The Hopper is heated by an Electronic heating element.

The temperature is controlled by a thermostat. It switches off on reaching of 70 degree C and continues to work when the temperature falls down to 40 degree C.

This Unit is Suitable to Attached in our All Main Drives.


Homogenizer Dengan Elemen Pemanas digunakan untuk pembuatan emulsi air dalam minyak & minyak dalam air. Unit ini terdiri dari sistem pompa piston. Pompa piston menghasilkan homogenisasi. Bahan dapat diisi untuk dipompa dari hopper. Dengan gerakan maju & mundur piston Homogenisasi terjadi. Ruang hampa tercipta selama gaya mundur piston, yang menyedot cairan kembali. Selama gerakan piston ke depan, cairan didorong ke ujung nosel yang dipasang pada bukaan silinder. Semua bagian yang bersentuhan dengan produk terbuat dari baja tahan karat. Hopper dipanaskan oleh elemen pemanas elektronik.

Suhu dikendalikan oleh termostat. Ini mati ketika suhu mencapai 70 derajat C dan terus bekerja ketika suhu turun hingga 40 derajat C.

Unit Ini Cocok Dipasang di Semua Drive Utama kami.

Hopper Capacity1.5 Litres
Working Capacity15 Litres / Hour.
Output30 Kg / Hour.
(Depending Of The Degree Of The Dispersion Required.)
Dimension Sizes17' x 13" x 9" Inch
Net Weight7 Kg
Gross Weight18 Kg.
Packing19" x 14" x 10"