Homogenizer (SHO)

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Homogenizer unit is suitable for mixing of different types of liquids like oil in water & water in oil construction up to 30 kgs. / Hour. A piston pump produces homogenization. Materials can be filling to pump from a hopper, having a capacity of 1.5 litres.

By the forward & the backward movement of the piston Homogenization takes place. A vacuum is created during the backstroke of the piston, which sucks the liquid back. During the forward movement of the piston, the liquid is pushed against the tip of the nozzle.

This Unit is Suitable to Attach in our Both Main Drive.


Unit homogenizer cocok untuk mencampur berbagai jenis cairan seperti minyak dalam air & air dalam konstruksi minyak hingga 30 kg. / Jam. Pompa piston menghasilkan homogenisasi. Bahan pengisi dapat dipompa dari hopper yang berkapasitas 1,5 liter.

Dengan gerakan maju & mundur piston Homogenisasi terjadi. Ruang hampa tercipta selama gaya mundur piston, yang menyedot cairan kembali. Selama gerakan piston ke depan, cairan didorong ke ujung nosel.

Unit Ini Cocok Dipasang di Kedua Drive Utama Kami.

Gross Capacity of Bowl1.5 Liters
Working Capacity15 liters / hour. [Depends On Speed ]
Net Weight4.6 Kgs.
Gross Weight16 Kgs.
Dimensions18" x 13" x 9" Inch
Packing19" x 14" x 10" Inch